Hey friends!
I am still here, breathing and well. I am still very pregnant., LOL. 36 weeks today actually. 4 weeks to due date, and I am getting very anxious for this little guy to arrive!
We have been VERY busy trying to get the nursery together, pretty much done. remodel the upstairs bathroom, enclose a 3 season porch off the nursery, and get fence in back. UGH....we have been busy! Sooooo, I just haven't been on here, and my journal at http://www.lowcarbdicussion.com/ was deleted??:( I need to get over there and start a new one.
So lets see, since this blog started out as a diet blog, I'll share my stats so far.
I have gained 26.5 lbs so far. pretty good I think. I feel very fat, since I am 5'6 and now 196.5 lbs and holding steady there. I keep getting told I will lose 20 lbs by the time I leave the hospital, so I am looking forward to that head start, he he. I am trying to get my goals in order for after little JJ arrives. I plan to start right away, at least with low carb eating, no ketosis, and obviously no exercise for a few weeks or so til I heal, but I am already assessing how much I need to lose and trying to set goals. I am VERY excited not only to meet my son, but to get my body back, and begin this journey once again.
So here is my rough plan....
mental - set 10 lb goals and meet them one at a time. I'll also try not to be so hard on myself. This is where I always go wrong. If I don't lose as fast as I want or if I slip up, I beat myself to a pulp, and ruin my efforts. no more of that.
physical (when healed and ready) - get to the gym 5 days a week for some 40-60 minute hills on the treadmill. I have always had the most success with this as far as losing inches fast. Depending on time, with a new baby and all, I will try and add some weight time in there a couple days a week. Mainly squats and pushups, and any other good compound moves that work and save time. I belong to Planet Fitness now, but they don't offer child care, so I will probably leave them and join golds so they can watch JJ while I work out.
food - low carb all day. lots of fresh meats and veggies, salads and some good fats. I am not going to counrt carbs, and get tied up in that just yet. I will be focusing on breast feeding and staying healthy, but I will be cutting out the breads, rices and pastas. I eat them now, but only whole wheat, whole grain, brown rice, and shaws makes a YUMMY flax and grain bread now. So I will just cut those things and stick with protein, fats and veggies to start getting used to that way of eating. Once I am ready, and its safe, i will get more strict with counting carbs etc.
Ok so off the diet and onto the baby!
Here are some nursery pics, and 3D ultrasound!