Friday, October 19, 2007

So...We did it!

The Hubby and I that is.....

We're finally pregnant! WOOO HOO!!!!

So needless to say I have to start eating more whole grains and such wich I have, moderately.

I have low carb flax/oat/wheat tortillas with Omega 3's and whole wheat couscous, etc.

I am trying to eat lower carb, but not low carb. More healthy carb.

So I am 4 weeks 1 day pregnant! YIPPEE!!

I am convinced it will be a girl.
DH had a dream that we had a baby girl just days before I found out.
The name I picked, Hubby heard it 5 times yesterday, and my friend Linda said it popped up 2 times for her this week out of the blue.
I don't want to share the name yet.....he he he

Anyhoo. check this out!

I just turned 28
I had a dream 2 nights before I found out I was pregnant that my mom told me she got 28 orders on her website.
I found out I was pregnant on day 28 of my cycle.
My Due date is June 28th 2008!

How freaky is that??

Well, off I go! I am so stinking excited!


vn7wl said...

Congratulations! I hope all goes well for you during your pregnancy. Enjoy every moment! V.

Etheral Kim said...

Thank you Vanessa!

How is yours going?