Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Day 8 of CLEAN induction and down another 1.5 lbs from yesterday.

I think all the running is really helping too!

A word to the wise, no matter what diet your doing, exercise is essential!
Especially if you realize its not just about weight loss but your health. The benefits of even walking 30 min a day are endless AND it will help boost your loss.

So grab your kids or your dog and go for a walk!

here is an article on SOME benefits of exercise...but the list goes on!

For me - it helped get me through quitting smoking by reinforcing the healthy new habbits I was trying to form, and discouraging the disgusting one I was trying to break.

I walked for ever! Last month I started to incorporate bursts of running in my walks (2 miles a day so far), and now I can run almost the whole way with minimal rests. Thats a big accomplishment for me since I never could run even as a child.

Even if you never exercised before get up and start somewhere! Your health depends on it, really!

Just the energy and natural high you feel afterward is worth it!

Ok enough pep talk!
Stay tuned....

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