Monday, September 17, 2007

Oh boy here's a good one....

Check out this post on Kimkins Exposed...

"Kimmer Suggests Member is mentally ill"
(Link to this blog is in my blog roll on the side of this page)

Thanks Kimkins exposed thats a classic!
I wish I was able to see a response from the original poster back to Kimmer/Heidi/whoever she is.


chickycola said...

Check out the comment that was deleted soon after posted on this thread by Beachbaby:

Re: Ask Kimmer 8 Minutes ago
"Kimmer wrote:
Jennifer, I agree that your posts sound as thought you might need to talk with someone. A professional. If you work, they will have a mental health referral or EAP. If you don't have insurance your county health department has resources with a sliding fee schedule.

Now i don't mean to sound harsh either, but I'm not good at this. I'm not a warm & fuzzy person. I never know what to say. But just as I'm not a doctor, I'm not a therapist. There's a million reasons for overeating and depression is a big one. Once you get help for that, it will make everything in your life a bit easier."

Are you kidding? She said "..Show yourself Kimmer,,,,put this all to rest so we can all get on with the matter at hand, and reestablish friendships....please dont be upset with me"

She doesn't sound like she needs therapy. She sounds like she's unhappy about what's been done to these forums. She also provided a way to fix it, which you completely ignored by turning it around on her. She doesn't need to fix this, YOU do.

Etheral Kim said...

Oh Man! I keep getting more and more pissed off at this whole thing....I am addressing it today in my blog. Thanks! :)