Tuesday, September 18, 2007

This is beginning to upset me...

You know,
Anyone that truly knows, me knows that I am not this hateful, spiteful person that is being reflected in this blog.

I HATE negativity which is why I left Kimkins. I need peace, comfort, happiness in my life. I believe that whatever we send out into the universe we do get back.
If I send negativity, negativity finds me. Its a fact, for me at least as my Karma tends to come back pretty fast to where I can identify where it came from...

I don't want my blog to be another Anti Kimkins hate page. Its MY blog not hers.
I may feel anger and resentment to the friends that turned on me over there and to evil lady, but that doesn't mean I need to express it here. Because then I am just turning my peaceful place into the negative haven that is Kimkins.

I don't apologize for the things I have said. They are my feelings and no one is entitled to question ones feelings. They are not an opinion.

I am a little mad at myself for letting my anger show. Maybe its a good thing, to get it out on paper , or cyber paper, as it helps you deal with it, but I can always take that energy and go for a run and enjoy all that god created for us outdoors. Where I truly feel at peace and renewed.

While I will continue to follow the iminent fall of the Kimkins empire, I will TRY to refrain from posing hate and negativity here. For my sake. I don't want to come here and read anger I want to come read positive feelings.

Thanks for listening friends, and have a great positive day. :)


theTRUTH said...

Good for you Kim. You got to take care of yourself. I'm sure it is just a phase for me too. A way to hit back at those who hurt me with their lies. Then again, what kind of TRUTH would I be, if I didn't tell it? The whole thing IS upsetting, and we all deal with it in our own way. Kudos to you for moving on, and starting to think positively. I'll get there someday, maybe.
But it isn't about hate or negativity at all with me. It is about doing the right thing, and sticking up for the people who have been harmed by Kimmer and her minions. People that have been banned or hurt for no good reason. People like you.
Even if you want to step away to heal, you still have a friend in me.

Etheral Kim said...

hey you!
I hope I didn't come off as though you guys are all negative haters! Well I guess I did huh? I didn't mean to. I just felt disappointed in myself for letting my anger get the best of me.
I commend you and your blog and everyone else's for standing up for what they believe in and I am still right there with you. I guess I just don't want it to come across so angry. Maybe I am fooling myself. With Kimkins comes Anger. Period. I'll take my head out of my butt soon I promise! :)
I want to be with you all and expose Kimmer for the fraud she is and her so called diet for the danger it is. I just don't want to yell at people anymore in my posts I think it makes me look ugly too.
We will all heal and move on from this in time I suspect. Right now, we need to stick together.

chickycola said...

Hey Kim, I completely understand what you are saying. Sorry if I contributed toward the negativity. Hugs!


Etheral Kim said...

No way Janice! Don't let me fool you! Its a guilty pleasure to get involved! *snicker*
We are all a team as far as I am concerned. We carry something very important in common and I value all of the info you bring forward. :) Keep it coming!

Let me clear it up - I just don't want my blog to become a Kimkins Slam board (from my posts). Its a place for my diet progress, etc. I do however treasure all of the other Kimkins Slamboards :)