Thursday, September 13, 2007

The rundown...

So far I have tried the following plans to lose weight:

1) LOW calorie variety. Around 600-800 calories a day. fruits, grains, progresso soups, lean meats and veggies. I lost 22 lbs in 2 months. I also walked every day outside for 40 minutes.

Regain - I gained back all the weight when I stopped watching portions and eating junk again.

2) Atkins. Loved this diet. I felt great, lost another 20 lbs in one month, and 2 sizes. I worked out 5 days a week at golds gym. Then came Thanksgiving. Dun Dun Dun.....I decided "well, I have lost 20 lbs already. I am going to enjoy myslef and not worry about it. If I gain, I can just go back on induction to get back on track and keep losing". Boy was I wrong. I never got back on Induction and every time I tried I failed. WHY? I had no idea. Why was it so hard this time when the first time I dove in full force. I have been struggling with this for so long. I can go on a diet, do great, lose weight, feel like I have the world by the you know what, and then BAM! Self Sabaotoge. I will get more into that later.

Regain - I regained 35 lbs. Not the 20 I lost, 35!!!

3) Southbeach Diet: I tried this for about 2 weeks, I lost about 6 lbs (of water) then decided the loss was too slow, and went back to atkins. Of course I still couldn't make it through induction and was fighting with the high fat aspect of it, and stopped all together for awhile.

4) Kimins. yep I said it. The widely controversial, getting more controversial where Kimmer is concerned. When I began in June I lost 13 lbs and that was with 2-3 cheats. I love the rapid loss this diet offers. I still follow it today to some degree. Well who am I kidding. I am still a member, but now in the last couple days follow......

5) The Thin Commandments Diet. (Does anyone else see a pattern here?) Why do I keep switching plans when they all work, but I wreck them. Am I the only one who does this??
Anyway, The Thin commandments is like a combination of Atkins, Southbeach and Kimkins. It is Low Carb (Atkins), it is Grains and dairy friendly (Southbeach), and its Strict and Lean (Kimkins), And I think its actually doable for a long time! Not only that it is written by a Dr. who teaches you to deal with the psychological aspect of losing weight, not just east this and don't eat that and you can have this much at this time of day. I think (at least right now) it may be my godsend, of a diet that I can actually stick with and not feel deprived.

WOW! Can you say afraid of commitment??? HA HA! I keep thinking that not only do I fail on diets the way I do because of what the book The Thin Commandments teaches me, but also because they are so restrictive and the side effects can be devastating, or at least scary to think of what might happen to you as a result. Since I started Kimkins I have been losing hair. Yep and suppsedly its temporary, but I am tired of seeing large grabs full come out in the shower. This can't be a good sign. I am not bashing the diet really. It works! I have seen it work wonders and never heard a complaint from MANY losers at Kimkins, but its just not working well with my body personally.

So Your here, at the very beginning of another weight loss plan attempt. Wish me luck!


theTRUTH said...

Kim. Saw your post on Becky's blog. I too am thinking of leaving soon. Quite frankly, your Halloween challenge is the only thing keeping me around. I found a cool new home over at Jimmy Moore's discussion boards, and Becky and Deni and Christin are there too, along with a lot of others. With your picture up there, it won't be long before Kimmer is on to you. If you leave, I'll leave too. Maybe we can start a Halloween challenge over at the other board. I wish I knew how we could take others with us though. I will miss a lot of my friends. PMs on there are not private, so be careful of that.

Etheral Kim said...

Thetruth -

Its so nice to hear from you! Honestly i am not so worried about her finding me and banning me. Maybe that is my coward way fo leaving, but I have emails for people there that if I am banned will certainly be making them aware of what has transpired.
I wish I could know who you are (wink) but thats ok....The halloween challenge is the only thing keeping me there too, well and a lot of the members there that have stuck by me since I joined. My heart is just broken over the whole thing and thats partially why I started this blog. I need a place to come and say whatever I want and no one can ban me. I will be adressing my feelings openly when I am ready on my blog home page just to get it all out.
I would LOVE to start a challenge somewhere else! Jimmy has a forum? I may have to join that. I am trying to transition to healthy low carb, not just lean protein and nothing else and no calories. I just can't stick with it no matter how I try.
Thanks for stopping by Its nice to have someone else who relates :)

theTRUTH said...

Here is Becky's new camp where I hang out.
If you show up there, PM me there.
There is lots of good low carb support for any WOE. All very friendly.

Etheral Kim said...

Hey there Thetruth!
I just registered there. I will see you there :)